by | Feb 11, 2021 | Sparkling, White, Wine Reviews | 0 comments

Antoine is proudly the grandson of Guy Bouvet, who in 1970 founded Maison Champagne Guy. The family domain vineyards are located in Mareuil-sur-Ay, but for you, famously specific in Montagne de Reims. Antoine, in his “Wetting The Ears” 20’s,  has exact ideas about how he wants his wines to express and he clearly wants to express that to you! Think about where you were in your 20’s, most of us didn’t know if we were coming and going! Even though the bottle carries the Champagne address, you won’t find an ounce of pretension in your flute. He elaborates his Champagnes with great transparency yet with an unnerving density.

Big papa Pinot Noir is a right-hand man within Antoine Bouvet Champagnes. I’m Latina so I have carte blanche to call the grape “Papi Chulo” while he has Chardonnay “Puta” take a backseat to the rest of his wines as he pleases.

The wine has a golden hue that will sparkle with golden beads of sweat glistening in the sunlight. The vines were over 60 years old when he took over operations of the domain in 2013  from Abuelo. He loves using oak in his wines and uses biodynamic practices. Interesting, he makes brilliant sparkling wines the way he sees fit and sells the rest of his grapes to the GRAND MARQUE of Champagne Houses, Bollinger. Bold grapes for a bold House! Just like Bollinger, Antoine  Bouvet wines are full of classical confidence and are mouth-filling. It’s just like how a puta likes it. On the nose, the apples are slowly oven-baked, and evokes exotic autumn spices, with crushed wet rocks. On the palate, you get the same baked tree fruits, yet with a bit more orange and peach nectar and ginger and a long spicy salty pretzel finish. I can almost taste my Mami’s homemade  Gingersnap cookies over cream fresh. 

I challenge you to taste a Bollinger against Antoine Bouvet, and let me know what you think!


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