by | Mar 22, 2021 | Sparkling, Wine Reviews | 0 comments

“A Rooted Family For A Happy Grape”

There is nothing more intriguing than a wine that makes you jump for joy and keeps you wondering what it is about it that makes you so intrigued. Imagine a wine that makes your taste buds dance while keeping your curiosity alive. Let me now introduce you to the Chiarli family from Modena, the most iconic producer of red sparkling wine in the world. Prepare to be captivated!

A Symphony of Flavors That Defies Norms- An Eye Candy

In the realm of red sparkling wines, one name stands out like a crown jewel – the Chiarli family of Modena. Before the days of Aussie sparkling Shiraz and the snooty Mousseux of Burgundy, it was Emilia Romagna that gave birth to this true gem. Imagine a time when a simple handshake sealed a deal, when restaurateurs, winemakers, and the like thrived on verbal contracts. I would have loved to have been there!

Enter Cleto Chiarli, a man who turned his love for wine into a legacy. Back in the 1800s, he crafted his wine from the area’s energetic grapeLambrusco grape, or should I say varieties, infusing every sip with the spirit of Modena. Fast forward to 1860, and Emilia Romagna witnessed the birth of Cantina Cleto Chiarli – a tribute to their roots and the journey of a family that dared to dream big.


Leap ahead to the 21st century, where Mauro and Anselmo Chiarli, the great-grandsons, took the reins. They envisioned a modern winery that would honor both tradition and innovation, redefining the perception of Lambrusco as well as paying tribute to native NONO ( grandpa), Cleto Chiarli. The nono’s reputation can be leveraged to reinvent the bad image of Lambrusco, knowing very well they should do so.

The year 2002 marked a new era as they laid the foundation for a cutting-edge facility on their family estate. Nestled in the heart of Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro DOC, this winery blends the past and the present seamlessly. More than 100 acres of Lambrusco Grasparossa vines embrace the new facility, a testament to their commitment to quality.


Cialdini Cleto Chiarli Lambrusco

Cialdini Cleto Chiarli Lambrusco

Lambrusco, a name often underestimated, transcends stereotypes in the hands of Cialdini Cleto Chiarli. This isn’t just any sparkling wine; it’s a symphony of flavors crafted with meticulous care that will change whatever perceptions of the cheap fizz you most identify with. These sparklers aren’t just infused with CO2 but woven with complexity through the traditional method and second fermentation. As if you were foraging for wild berries in the mountain forests of Emilia while wearing a wool coat, the wine will transport you to a pastoral place. Despite its lack of seriousness, the grape is believable here and Cantina Cleto Chiarli represents it well.


Lambrusco, often dismissed, bears a legacy that goes beyond its effervescence. With over 60 ancient grape mutations, it’s easy to misunderstand this red sparkling delight. But Emilia Romagna, the culinary heart of Italy, has embraced it for a reason. Parmigiano Reggiano, Modena Balsamico, Prosciutto di Parma – the treasures of this region are endless. Thus, Lambrusco has never had a more attractive and mischievous presence today than it does today. The grape and wine of the same name have been embraced throughout history for what reason?  In part, this has been due to the abundance of their agriculture and the richness of their cuisine.  The Emilia Romagna region’s livelihood is agriculture, not viticulture. You’ll see locals gulping down fruity sparklers with abandon, just as the region’s soil is rich in food. It’s light and refreshing, made from a grape that’s easy to grow, make, and drink, and most importantly, profitable.

Their vineyards are all certified VIVA under the Sustainable Viticulture Program of the government. For the production of the first organic certified wine, Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro DOC Organic, Cleto Chiarli began working with Cantina Sociale di Settecani, in the spiritual area of Castelvetro, to vinify grapes from the vineyards that are farmed organically.

A Legacy Unveiled, an Evolution Continues

In a world where legacies are contemplated, Cleto Chiarli’s legacy shines bright. Cialdini Cleto Chiarli Lambrusco isn’t just a wine; it’s a journey through history, a dance of flavors that defy norms. As you sip this elixir, let it remind you of the legacy you’re creating with every moment. After all, every bottle holds not just wine, but the stories of those who shaped it.

Would you mind telling me what your legacy in a glass is?

Ciao! I hope you enjoyed the article Cialdini Cleto Chiarli Lambrusco

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