by | Feb 5, 2021 | White, Wine Reviews | 0 comments

The village of Peschiera hugging the famous Lake Garda, in northern Italy, is within the Province of Verona. You might be well familiar with it since Verona is where supposedly Romeo declared his love for Juliet as she stood over her balcony. From poets to politicians, and socialites, many have been drawn by the enchantment of the region’s breathtaking wide landscapes and lively vibrant towns. For this reason, villages like Peschiera offer supreme quality of life, for culture, food, and most of all WINE!

The grapes for this wine come from the estate vineyards in San Benedetto di Lugana. It is  100% Turbiano! You can almost mistake it for the most revered white grape in all of  Italy, Verdicchio.  This region is like discovering the lesser-known white varietals of Lugana without being prejudiced. Yes I know you would think more of the black grape varietals that have brought fame here for Amarone wines: Corvina, Rondanella, and Monilara. However…Azienda Agricola Ottella was founded in 1880 and the Montresor family has been grape growers for many generations at the Southern end of Lake Garda, near Peschiera del Garda in the D.O.C. (northwest Italy). 

The winery is named after a legend that octuplets were born at the farm in the 16th century. Well, that’s nothing because I had an aunt that had 24 children. No lie!  The family glorified their traditions, and this wine is as traditional as it gets.

The Montresor family has owned 61 acres since the 1800s without the need to be popular by critics. The vineyards are affectionately influenced by the intimacy of the infamous Lake Garda. The family also owns a small parcel called “Le Creete”, planted on a white chalky soil that gives this wine its pristine character.

It’s golden, with subdued hues at the core. On the nose east Asia notes of pineapple and grapefruit Tropicale and succulent citrus. It’s a little floral too, like many Italian white wines. There are also curry notes that are intoxicating but with a  delicate minerality. On the palate it’s rich and powerful, invading the mouth like a tyrant. It’s lovely, balanced, sharp, and a wine that shows up to entertain you. 

Never underestimate the possibilities of grapes less traveled. Here in Laguna, once you get past the Romance of the region, let yourself be romanced by native Turbiana! What wine have you been lately romanced by?


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